5/8 - Copa Nova Grappling Championships (BJJ)
5/22 - Blue Ridge Open (WL)
Thankfully the weight classes are similar - cruiserweight at Copa Nova is 165-179.9, which would put me in the middle of the -85kg USAW class. At a current weight of 173 I have room to maneuver and gain weight. Unfortunately, the training could barely be more opposed: single effort, explosive strength vs relative strength and aerobic capacity, and with the notion that focusing on one would have relatively less damage than the opposite, I'll continue a strength focus with supplementary GPP workouts. I suppose in a basic sense I'll be hoping to maintain the capacity I created with OPT's program while improving my strength.
The primary workouts thus far have been a linear progression 3 days a week solely of squats (low bar) and presses. Monday and Wednesday are a 5x5 while Fridays are a 3x5. The weights increase by 10 and 5lb for the squat and press, respectively. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays will be strength days, eventually focusing on O-lifts over slow lifts, while Tuesdays and Thursday will be metcon/gymnastic days, staying away from the heavy weights. Last workouts:
6 rounds:
15 pull-ups (chin over bar)
20 push-ups (chest to deck)
25 sit-ups (anchored)
30 squats
2 min rest
All rounds less than 3 min, first three under 2 min.
Low bar Squat 5x5 - 265lb
Press 5x5 - 135lb
Supinated fat-bar strict pull-up, AMRAP until form breakdown - 12, 9, 8, 9
This is day 5 of the linear progression, and weight has continued to go on the bar. I'll stop at either failure or until I hit a 5x5 at 315, which is my old 1RM, and then make the swap over to O-lifts and front squats (primarily to build t-spine strength, which I'm starting to believe is a weakness of mine. Every strength day includes 20 minutes with the technique plates and 30 minutes of soft tissue work. The metcons will be a mix of "classic" crossfit workouts, games workouts, and specific items that I want to work, mostly likely with a skew towards pulling. Planned metcons:
5 rounds:
40m shuttle run
AMRAP pull-ups
40m shuttle run
2 min rest
KB snatches and sandbag cleans. Specifics to be decided.
Hopefully keeping to a cellular/neural damage split will permit sufficient recovery day-to-day. Using the weekend for a full recovery will be important, as will be monitoring performance on Fridays. Supplements are now Vit D, Fish Oil, and ZMA. Diet is paleo/warrior diet with additional carbs and raw milk for mass gain.

So many toys, so little time