We worked today on "the world's most powerful lift," the Clean. After warming up, we went through some drills with the medicine balls, PVC, and practice plates, before starting to work our way up with some real weight. Thanks to everyone who came out - particularly Ben for sharing his expertise - and congrats to Chadron for the heaviest rep of the day. Everyone keep posting times and loads for their workouts to comments. Check out the video below of Dave Hargis for some motivation on true aggression when lifting.
Chadron Goes Heavy
Don't Forget to Yell!!
haha good work out
what a sweet vid
I almost fell out of chair!
It was alot of fun yesterday. Thanks to everyone for their advice, ques & help.
"Suicide grip"
Max rounds in 20 min. of:
3 suicide runs
3 farmer suicides, 35lbs/hand
3 farmer suicides, 55lbs/hand
Suicides were done using the benches outside the weight room in Mem Gym. I don't know how to estimate the distance adequately, so just enough distance to suck. If you have KBs to do this with, use them.
Total - 1 round + 3 runs + 2 farmer suicides w/ 35lbs
My goal was 2 rds, maybe 2.5
Row 100m
40 GHD situps
Row 200m
30 GHD situps
Row 400m
20 GHD situps
Row 400m
20 Pushups
Row 200m
30 Pushups
Row 100m
40 Pushups
Then track work: 8x 30 sec hard, 30 sec easy
I like the suicide run workout; did you make that up or read about it somewhere?
@ Dave:
I just made it up on the spot. I wanted to work a metcon that had heavy sprints.
"Mr. Joshua" - at least I finished this time
Subs: 185lbs Deadlift
Time - 40:38
Perhaps you should try cleaning that sand out of your vag next time... I know it can get pretty painful
5 rounds
50 ft. walking overhead lunges, 45# bar
21 burpees
Time - 18:50
Got reprimanded by my supervisor at Mem for using the BB out in the hall, so had to do this in the back of the men's bathroom across from the combatives room...hidden. Space and turning was an issue (time issue).
What time this Sunday? I've got work till 3.
Thurs - Army Physical Fitness Test:
Max pushups in two min... 75
Max situps in two min... 78
Two mile run... 12:50
Overall Score: 305
(Each event scored on a 100 point scale. 300 = "max" score, with bonus points possible for exceeding "max" standard)
Fri - Max Pull-ups (kipping, full extension to chin over bar): 30 reps
3 rds of Mtn Athlete Barbell Complex @45, 95, 115
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