Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Back in Action/ CF Cville FAQ

Hey everyone... so sorry the blogging/email list updating has been so sporadic. The past month or so has been a blur between finals, beach week, graduation/commissioning, and moving apartments. I took a two week break (first time in a couple of years I've done that) to focus on all of the above and rest up/mentally prepare for a summer and fall of serious training as I get ready to attend the Army's infantry officer basic courses and Ranger school.

I'm back in action and excited to see so many new names checking out the blog and looking to get involved in the Cville CF community. I'm going to try, in this post, to summarize the answers to all the newcomers' common questions...

Who are we?
A somewhat decentralized group of UVA students, alumni, and Charlottesville community members who are interested in CrossFit and true strength/conditioning and nutrition. We've got total newcomers, Level I certified trainers, experienced athletes, and pretty much every skill level in between. The common denominator? A love of the pursuit of fitness and performance, for sport, combat, or just a better quality of life.

When/where do we train?
You can find us at the UVA gyms, Lannigan track, Rocky Top Rec (currently the only place I know of right near UVA where you can drop a load of bumper plates from overhead!), and ACAC. We organize informal group workouts through the blog and email list, and try, at least during the school year, to meet up for a more structured workshop or training session once each weekend.

What's the deal with CrossFit Charlottesville?
Kyle Redinger is spearheading the effort to bring a true CrossFit box to Cville. The affiliate application has been approved! Once a space is locked down, we'll need all hands on deck to help with equipment construction and getting the gym up and running. Contact Kyle at for more information. I believe he's hoping to have the box open by late summer/early fall.

What/who are we looking for?
Really, anyone! All experience levels are welcome. We love certified trainers and experienced athletes who are willing to help coach and push the pace at group workouts. We also love complete newcomers. Whether you can deadlift 200kg and tear up sub 4min Frans or you're scared of the idea of doing a handstand and haven't done anything close to a pullup since the flexed arm hang in 6th grade, you'll be welcomed with open arms. The only requirements are a positive attitude and a willingness to work hard.

Where do I go from here?
If this sounds like your brand of Zone-friendly bourbon (god I wish such a thing existed), make yourself known in the comments section. Even better, leave your email address or contact me at so that I can add you to our email list. To any new folks who have recently commented, please provide me with some contact info if you'd like to get involved in group workouts, CF Cville, etc.

Finally, I'll steal shamelessly from Jon Stewart... here's your moment of Zen:


Dave Lewis said...

Tryin out the CrossFit Fairfax programming, with a bit of scaling for the time being as I get back into training. Btw if you've never tried this stuff, Jeff Tincher is a sick, sick bastard; give it a whirl...

AMRAP 15min:
400m run
50 double unders
-4 [pathetic] rounds + ~60m run... gotta start somewhere

3 rds for time:
30 pullups
20 swings (1.5 pood)
-9:10 and brutal even with the lady's weight

Daniel said...

hey I'm moving to Charlottesville in mid-June to start work as a resident in the hospital. I have a friend who does CF in Washington and suggested I give it a try, so here I am. I'll send you an email as well, but I'd like to get involved if time permits. Thanks.


Dave Lewis said...

For time:
45 double under
45 squat cleans @45kg
45 ring dips (switched to jumping around rep 20)
45 double unders

Basketball Training said...


My name is Joe Lucas (josephjlucas(at) I am in Charlottesville for 4 months for work and have been checking out the CrossFit scene in the area. I have a long sports & lifting background, and I have my level 1 cert. I have been doing CrossFit for a couple years and would like to get involved with what you guys have going in the area. Shoot me an e-mail whenever you get a chance. Have a great weekend!

Bin said...

3x20 Squat w/BB
2x30m Lunge
2x30m 2KB Lunge (15m OH, 15m FS)

6x1 Isometric-Dynamic Squat:
5 seconds at 160 degrees, 140, 120, 90, then explode upwards (145lb)

"Tailpipe" variant:
3 rounds
500m row
2:00 50lb Sandbag getup

5:55.5 total rowing time