Sunday, August 7, 2011

Few notes

Posted at OPT Big Dawgs blog:

"For the last few months I've been doing a strength cycle for squats using the Texas Method - just recently finished with a best 5RM of 145kg (high bar squat, old 2RM is 150kg), and my last 5x5 squat was at 135kg. Been working on some mechanical issues - got evaluated by a rehab doc and a PT and have since figured out that I have FAIS (cam lesion), along with poor glute activation due to extreme quad dominance (best BS of 160kg, best FS of 145kg). Also have worked down to the 77kg weight class from the 85 (walking at 78-79kg).

I've been restructuring the load ordering and technique for my snatch and c&j to ensure that I'm staying as posterior chain-driven as possible along with a lot of rehab for the last few months, while trying to work on hip mobility to work around the FAIS. All in all the new lifting technique has made everything feel inexplicably weak, though I guess that's to be expected right now.

Hopefully I will be back to the blog soon ("Being" group), though it'll be dovetailed into other training, specifically training towards qualifying for Weightlifting nationals next year. Addtionally I'll be committing "heresy" of sorts - there's a local Westside gym and I've decided to do the deed and start training with those guys 1 - 2 times a week. The thing they preach there most is keeping an open mind to new training, and I figure I can't really argue with that. Hopefully it'll yield something good. Happy to see the blog so busy."

Workout today:

Pt 1 Westside:

5x5 Hip-belt squat, working up to 450lb for last 3 sets

2x3 min Hip-belt walking and good mornings @ 180lb

4x10 Single leg reverse hyper (both legs) @ 180lb

Rest 5 min

7 sets (anaerobic alactic capacity work):

3 clean pulls (225lb)

10 burpees AFAP

2:30 rest

Current projects at the Resto right now are Duck Katsuoboshi, Duck Ham, Rabbit liver pate, Lardo cures, more pickles and ferments, and figuring out how to grow that damn Ficoide Glaciale without it dying suddenly....

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