Saturday, February 2, 2008

Bowl Time!

Also time for a new workout post, lest the comment lists get toooo long. I'll also mention here that I'm betting the Pats are going to take it this sunday.

On a slightly less risky note, anyone care to try this workout with me?
3 rounds for time:
40m DB bear crawl(split in two sections) - 50% BW + 10 lb, 50% BW - 15 lb, switch weights each section
10x DB swing - 25% BW +10 lb


CPT Eddie said...

Tonight, like 6:30? Memgym is open till 9.

Bin said...

DB workout is on for Superbowl Sunday, 2pm at Mem. Be there or be really drunk four hours before the game actually starts.

Bin said...

Bin, Chadron, Ben for the workout. All finished in about 9:41

Dan said...

That sounds like it was sweet. I did the Tabata workout from last week today: 49 pullups, 51 pushups, 60 situps, 120 squats = 280

ben said...

haha sweet new frontpage pic
I think I'm gonna look for videos of people doing "Joshie". I did it today and I had a hard enough time trying to get to 120 pullups or could anyone do 120 L-Pullups?

Bin said...

Chadron and I were discussing putting up an "achievements" section on the blog, and are trying to decide on the criteria to use. Things like the standard MU have been suggested, along with things like 50 super strict pushups, pullups, etc. Any ideas? I was thinking this would be a good sub for a group workout, if we got together and judged each other on the various exercises.

Also, check out this video of James Fitzgerald (aka OPT) doing an alternative workout to the 10k from last week:

Bin said...

Did the push jerks today and hit a new 1RM of 205. Also lovin' the new chucks.

ben said...

hooray chucks! I don't think I can receive texts btw....

CPT Eddie said...

hey ben, send me your phone number I'll be sure to call vs. text.

Dan said...

Push jerks 7x3:

65, 75, 85, 90, 95, 100, 100 (fail).

I could get the weight up easily but it was hard to catch and stabilize. I'ma start doing the Burgener warmup every day.