Saturday, January 26, 2008

January 26th, 2008

"Fight Gone Bad" and "IWT"...

Friday - Fight gone bad
In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. 3 rounds. The stations are:

1. Wall-ball: 20 pound ball, 10 ft target. (Reps)
2. Sumo deadlift high-pull: 75 pounds (Reps)
3. Box Jump: 20" box (Reps)
4. Push-press: 75 pounds (Reps)
5. Row: calories (Calories)

The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. On call of "rotate," the athlete/s must move to next station immediately for good score. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower where each calorie is one point.

Bin: 234
Chadron: 267
Ben: Ran out like a wiener before I could ask him.

Saturday@noon - IWT
An IWT session involves a set of 8-12 reps of an "athletic lift" immediately chased with two minutes of free exercise @ 90-95% of capacity, followed by two minutes of rest. This is repeated for a total of three sets after which the athlete is rewarded with a 5-minute break. The first phase is repeated though the lift and the free exercise are changed. Recovery periods are the same. Phase three involves a circuit of complementary movements, often using bodyweight, with 4-12 reps and 3-10 rounds.

Specific exercises: TBA Saturday at workout (noon).


ben said...

haha I got 222 or so. I think I'm gonna rest up tomorrow but good luck with your insane sounding workout. Make sure you post what you did so I can figure out what it actually is.

Eldar said...

So if I want to join you guys do I just show up one of the workouts?

Where's this punching bag room exactly?


Unknown said...

Hey Eldar, the punching bag room is downstairs in memgym, it's the last room all the way at the end of the hall on the right (opposite from the cardio and weight rooms). Feel free to drop by.

Bin said...

10x Hang clean
2min row
2min rest
3 rounds, then rest 5 min

8x Jerk
2min bike
2min rest
3 rounds, then rest 5 min

8x Pull up
8x Push up
8x Sit up
8x Box jump
8x KTE
8x KB swing
1 min rest
3 rounds

Good job everyone that came!

ben said...

yo lets start posting our workouts up here again.
I did Cindy with Dan Paley (new recruit) and I got 16 rounds or so and he hit 12 rounds. Other roommates Matt and Mike also did it with 9.5 rounds and 7 or so rounds respectively.

Dan said...

Cindy was sweet. I couldn't raise my arm over my head when I got up this morning. I did a CFT today, 205/105/270 = 580. Ben knocked off Grace with 65 lbs in around 11 or 12 min.

Bin said...

I've been in DC for the last few days, but I worked out with Primal Fitness (; it's where Jesse Woody (the parkour guy who's done some videos on the main site) is based. The guys were all pretty cool, and the guys were good to hang with.

Workout was:
As many rounds in 15:00 of:
50m lunge (approx. distance)
pushup on dumbbells with rows (5 each hand)
10 pullups

I got to 7 rounds.

Dan said...

I did a pretty brutal "rest day" workout. Sprint the length of Mad Bowl, jog back, 10 rounds. Seems like it'd be a fun group workout, maybe next time there's a cardio day people could come do this instead.

Bin said...

Did Grace today (wednesday) - 7:27, as rx'd, full squat cleans.

ben said...

WTF today was brutal. Elizabeth + Fran? Did it with 185 DL and 75 thruster and still died.
Also, hope you get well soon Bin.

Dan said...

Yeah, merciless. I scaled down to 155 DL, "L" HSPU with my feet on a bench, 65 thrusters. Regular pushups and 45 thrusters for the last set because my arms didn't work anymore. 21 min, I'll probably scale it back up a little if this monstrosity ever comes up again. Running at 12 tomorrow?