Sunday, March 16, 2008


For those of you who are asking: Yes, we have a slosh pipe now. 4 inches wide, 10 feet long, and about a third of the way filled with water (it gets harder at half full but easier beyond that). We're guessing it weights about 25lbs, and it's a sonofabitch to use. General consensus within CF community and beyond is that using it feels like wrestling a boa constrictor. Completion of any achievement will permit a signing of the Boa. Thus far, Chadron and I have "streaked," carrying it from the Lawn statue to the Rotunda, with no drops and no restrictions on position.

Further achievements will include:
3 minute static overhead hold
30 unbroken lunges (any position)
10 overhead squats
12 unassisted lifts, moving the Boa from the ground to an overhead position, within 3 minutes. Any drop will require a reset.

We're also looking for new ideas, so come forward with anything.


CPT Eddie said...

Good news and bad news: slosh pipe.

Today: Nate.
Let's just say the easy part was muscle-ups.

Bin: 13 rounds
Chadron: 12 rounds (short of full rom on HSPUs).

Used the Gymboss, 20 minute countdown, worked great. Highly recommended.

Bin said...

"Fight Gone Bad"

Bin: 203
Chadron: 243

Armando said...

Last night's attempt @ FGB, empty stomach and sleep deprived, ended in just that: an attempt. Plus, I would really need a counter if I did the stations in order (f-ing rowing machines in mem gym!). Either way,

PR for FGB: 201 (only time I've done it, really)


4 rounds for time

400m run
2 min. rest

12:08 (1:34, 1:28, 1:32, 1:34)

CPT Eddie said...

Quick little one tried out today:

20 pushups
20 kb 1 hand snatches (55lbs db)(change hands at will)
20 dips
20 snatches
20 hspus
20 snatches
20 dips
20 snatches
20 pushups
20 snatches
