Monday, October 27, 2008


Some important read/watches from the internet: writer Michael Ruhlman posts a video in which he and Dan Barber, an incredibly important Chef, talk about food matters in the US, a farm animal-rights bill is in contention in California, and scientists are working to genetically modify crops to consume less water, a measure that addresses consequences, rather than causes, of water usage.

Last Sunday we focused on the snatch and ran through several progressions and drills. Specific points of importance were getting a good triple extension and an aggressive pull underneath the bar, and we followed that up with a few achievements, notably Armando's first three muscle-ups, on the heels of his one-year anniversary of seeing the light...

Stay tight and squeeze

it's important

for so many


and positions


Bin said...

2k row (light)

5 rounds:
15 DL (135#)
5 TGU each arm (35#)

then 3 rounds:
1 minute fat DB hold
20 back extensions

Armando said...

well, i think that after two days in a row of not being able to finish my wods, i'll have to admit that i have injured my shoulder. i'll just be working on squats form until i feel it's healed. i don't think i'll be able to make it out this weekend to rocky top though (or to bjj tomorrow Bin). have fun!

Dave Lewis said...

10 rds for time:
8 burpees
8 pull-ups


Worked on squat form prior to the workout; I think the softness in the bottom of my squat is improving, but def still have a long way to go. I can go deeper and hold the lumbar curve, but the tight hamstrings still cantilever my upper body too far forward, unloading the posterior chain. Working that wall drill Forney gave me... a lot.

@armando: having had some nagging back problems for a long time, you are definitely doing the right thing resting your shoulder. Better to let it heal properly then push it and develop a chronic problem. Injuries suck, hang in there and be patient.

See everyone this weekend hopefully, sorry I missed the snatch day (my parents were in town).

ben said...

did a fun WOD from drills and skills yesterday at gymnastics, but only had time for 2 rounds:
squat jumps up and down floor
10 dips
7 strict pullups
7 straight body lifts - these things are hard and I'll show anyone who is interested how to attempt them

@Armando: definitely give your shoulder some rest time! Here's a link to a shoulder rehab program that I did all summer and still integrate into my warmups:

@Dave: glad to see you scale the PU/burpee workout. I think a lot of people jump into workouts without thinking about their own limitations and end up missing out on the intensity

Bin said...

Sport-specific workout:

Snatch + OHS (45kg)
1 every 30 sec for 10 minutes
1 min rest
5 minutes KB C&J (2x24kg)
1 min rest
5 minutes Wallball (25lb)
1 min rest
5 minutes Burpees

Whip smash for max reps, 5 rounds, approx 1 minute rest between (50ft rope)
33, 35, 41, 46, 50

Eldar said...

Do you guys have a set weekly workout schedule for when you meet?

Armando said...

squat day:
Did a bunch of goblet squats @ 55lbs...wanted to get a feel of what proper squatting is like. I certainly did not know my back was capable of such verticality at parallel and below. Tried to take that into the rack, doing front squats...felt a little better, but my stance could certainly use some work.

In the rack:
20x Goblet Squat @ 55lbs
10x Front Squat @ 95lbs
15x Goblet Squat @ 55lbs
8x FS @ 115lbs
5x FS @ 135lbs
3x FS @ 155lbs
1x FS @ 175lbs (failed, but I rushed it...maybe if I'd rested a bit more)
20x Goblet Squat @ 55lbs

ben said...

@eldar: Rocky Top Rec at one on Sunday! be there!

Bin said...


With your bad shoulder, I would definitely take this as an opportunity to focus on lower body strength. You can maintain warm up sets (8 and 5 rep sets) but try workouts with sets of 1 to 3, with at least 85% of your 1RM. With reps of 1, go up to 7 sets, but for 3 do no more than 5. Remember, going heavy and short make you strong, doing sets of 5 to 8 with moderate weight only makes you a body builder!

Eldar said...

Do you have meets at locations closer to grounds?

Dave Lewis said...


yo man i think we've met at the AFC; we worked in together on the squat rack doing a rippetoe routine. we usually meet formally once a week (saturday or sunday), sometimes at rocky top, sometimes at the uva track or mem gym or elsewhere.

other meet-ups are generally informal (i.e. a few guys decide to get together for a workout). there's a list-serv as well; email bin if you would like to be added, and check the blog for more updates. hope to see you at a workout soon!

Eldar said...


Yep, it's me. Hi :) I commented on the newest post asking to be added to the list serv.