3 rounds for time:
5 Curtis P @ 65lb (hang clean, left and right lunge from rack position, then push press)
10 KB swings @ 53lb
15 Atomic sit-ups (from fully prostrate position, curl and bring knees to elbows)
Run from garage door to end of street and back
Jon F. logged the fastest time at 6:29. Keep at it for the rest of the week, and we'll see each other again this weekend.
you forgot find cat for time
Looks like you guys did it right! Had some things come up and couldn't make it, but got to see some of the guys at memgym last night doing some solid effort on death by pullup.
Death by pull-ups:
12 minutes exactly
(by that point i had torn three calluses off and couldn't grasp the bar anymore)
I think I mildly strained my right quad yesterday at the group WOD. Dropped too fast/loosely and too far forward into the bottom of a lunge. Stupid me. Been alternating ice and heat, and even alternated icy shower and hot tub a couple times at the AFC this evening, which felt great. Any other tips on dealing with muscle strains are welcome. Might try some "trigger point massage." Not a big fan of OTC meds. Army Physical Fitness test in 1 week = I will recover quickly. Positive mental attitude!
I got a groin strain a few weeks ago. Took roughly 7 days to heal, but it depends on severity. I don't know about trigger points or whatnot, but just massaging the muscle and helping the blood flow helps a lot. After it starts feeling a little better, I started rehabilitating by light dynamic and static stretching.
Otherwise, just give it time. Hope it heals soon :)
did a short tabata squats/v-ups at gymnastics
tabata v-ups are hard
10 rnds
10 pullups
10 65lb thrusters
Something's up with my shoulder post-bjj tourney, and the kips don't feel right. Instead did:
Pull-ups, 5x3 @ 35lb
Straight leg DL, 3x5 @ 40kg, 2x5 @ 50kg
2k row to cool down
Quad is already back to 90% I'd say. The icy shower/hot tub combo seems to work great; if you ever strain a muscle I highly recommend it.
Warmed up with a push-up drill in prep for my APFT, then felt good enough to make up a WOD from a couple weeks back that I missed when I was sick. I scaled it; will call it...
"Elizabeth's Baby Sister"
21-15-9 reps of
65 lbs. Clean
Ring Dip Negatives
Need to drill my Oly lifts like whoa.
did a small metcon at gymnastx yesterday:
2 rounds through of 45 sec work 15 sec rest on
20lb thrusters
leg lifts to bar
then today:
4 rounds 400m run 50 squats
in 12:20
legs are tired
5 rnds
25 inverted burpee
25 pullup
25 burpee
~40 min
did the wod for today with ben (thanks for the cheering btw)...horribly did 63:33...first time finishing a wod in over an hour.
shoulder still not too well, apparently. kipping will be out of my wods for a while...
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