Monday, December 15, 2008

Finishing up

This last Sunday, we got together to do a workout set up by Chadron. Named the "12 days of xmas," it was a chipper that remains posted on the wall at Rocky Top, and will be there as a standing challenge to anyone who's willing to give it a shot. If it does get erased, clicking on the picture will produce a larger, easier to read image.

Just like the song, the workout begins as 1 2-sec handstand, 2 kb snatch and 1 2-sec handstand, 3 shoulder press, 2 kb snatch and 1 2-sec handstands, etc....

Happy Holidays


Armando said...

Friday--> 3 rounds of:
50 Box Jump, 24"
21 Deadlift, 185lbs
30 Pull-ups

Time- 30:50...did the pull-ups on the bar in Combatives Room (rubber is very slippery after a while, definitely a time factor)

Decided against the 10K on Saturday in order to fully enjoy:
Yesterday--> "12 Days of Chadron's X-mas"
Subs- Push Press 95lbs, wall-assisted handstands

Time- 36:55

Today--> 5 rounds for time:
5 deadlift, 205lbs (1.5x BW)
10 Burpee

Time- 9:06

ben said...

5 rnds 185 DL and burpees
8ish min

Bin said...

5 DL @ 275
10 burpee

5 rounds: 5:37.72

Leonidas said...

yo greetings from bahrain dudes. bin, that '12 days' chipper looks like a doosie. i'll have to hit that up in the coming week.

just wanted to give some kudos to the blog and uva xfit, it seems like you guys/girls are killing it.

hope you don't mind a uva alum/expat checking in from time to time and using your examples as inspiration--

chris theo

Wednesday--> 21-15-9 of
Ring Dips
Push Ups

13:34 (HSPUs need work)

Bin said...

Split snatch:

Sets of twos and threes, working up to 65kg, alternating feet.

Dave Lewis said...

a few of my recent times...

"Not as Nasty Girls"
3 rds for time
50 squats, 1 MU + 9 Jumping MU, 10 HPC @45 kg.

3 rds for time
50 box jumps
21 DL @135
30 PU

Rest days/active rest days lately while visiting the girlfriend (yay couples jogging)... She bought me Vibram Five Fingers!! Gotta work the pose running.

happy holidays everyone!

Dave Lewis said...

5 rds
5 DL @190 (BW)
10 burpees

Armando said...

Hey guys. Hope everyone's well. Just thought I'd share some observations with you from my training at home. This is pretty much the first time I've tried doing some serious CrossFit training at home, and I must admit, it's had its surprises. Today I was doing the 800m runs workout, and I was convinced that my previous suspicions were true. Any time I did a metcon over here, it would take me horribly longer that it does at C-ville. I feel my whole body lagging. It's not even that I have been resting too much (I've kept with the 3 on- 1 off protocol since I got here); my body is just a lot slower. You hear everyone always saying that athletes training at altitude do a lot better in terms of cardio at lower altitude. Not the case: this doesn't seem to take into account those of us who drop from altitude to about 20ft above sea level, but live at some 85-90F and add to that some 85-95% humidity on a daily basis. I was thinking that it may be due to my body storing a lot more water, or I something to that effect. Point is, today I was about 20 seconds slower on my last three rounds than I was for any round the last time I did this wod (in C-ville, some months ago). Anyone have some insight on this? Anyone else share a similar experience?

Dave Lewis said...

The Filthy Fifty
as rx'd, subbing 35 lb DB thruster for wall balls (no 20 lb. med ball or a good wall target at the gym back home)


Bin said...

back squat 5x5:
225, 225, 225, 235, 245

"Pop and Go"
135lb Deadlift
Clapping push-ups

Dave Lewis said...

3 rds for time
Run 800 m.
2:40, 3:00, 2:49
Would have done the rx'd 4th interval, but my calves were screaming at me to stop and have been very sore since. I've heard this is a common problem when you first start trying to pose (i.e. midfoot) run. Anyone have any advice on this? Perhaps I need to "relax my ankles" more, whatever that means.

20 min of:
5 jumping towel pullups (no bar available)
10 pushups
15 squats
-20 rounds

Armando said...

Merry Christmas guys!
Well, it seems I'm either starting to get used to training here, but my body hasn't felt as heavy when doing wods that aren't so cardio intensive. I've PR'd on:

Cindy - 14 rounds+ pull-ups+ push-ups+ 9 squats
(PR by 3 push-ups and 9 squats)

Angie - 31:05 (PR by 7 minutes)

Dave Lewis said...

Angie as rx'd


Bin said...

Tabata row - 8 intervals, from 100m to 85m per interval

ben said...

happy holidays!
hope everyone's training is goin well
I've been doing strength stuff from Performance Menu for a change, it's basically lots of olympic lifting type strength training with some shorter metcons thrown in here and there, lotsa fun

Bin said...


Muscle, Snatch PP, then Snatch triplets, working up to 60kg

Dave Lewis said...

3 rds for time
Run 1/2 mi. (on treadmill)
35 Back extensions
35 Sit-ups

happy new year errbody!

Dave Lewis said...

forgot to post my time for the above cause i'm an idiot