Friday, January 2, 2009

New Starts

New Year, New Post. Let's see what everyone's been up to, and what everyone's resolutions are like. Looking back on the past year, how has everyone improved and changed in the last year?


Armando said...

Well running is still not very fun here. First running wod in a while, but I decided to make it an uphill run...painful idea:

4 rounds for time
500+ m Run
25 push-ups
25 KB swing (35lbs DB)
50 air squats

Time: it was 6 in the morning!! (part of a challenge between my uncle and myself)

- A little heavier from Christmas and New Year's dinners, and paying the price. Well worth it though.

Happy New Year everyone!

Bin said...

From 12/30, my last workout of the year:

"My wrist is burned and can't bend"
Pull-up - 5, 10, 15, 20
KB Swing (53lb) - 20, 5, 10, 15
Deadlift (135lb) - 10, 20, 15, 5

First round: 5 PU, 20 Swing, 10 DL, etc

This used the "Tears and Power" rep structure from GJ, basically keeping total reps per round the same but randomly assigning them per exercise. The deadlifts should have been heavier (around 185lb), but still effective. Didn't time it, but felt like a heart attack the whole way through.

Dave Lewis said...

This time last year, I was struggling with hip and back problems... knew about CrossFit, wanted to CrossFit, but didn't think I could handle all of the dynamic lifting with my injury history.

Fast forward to now, and after about 3 months of CF I'm the healthiest I've ever been. Far from exacerbating problems, the training has been therapeutic. I'm more fit than I've ever been, and my back is almost 100%, despite doing a tiny fraction of the static stretching I used to do and ceasing all of my old "physical therapy" exercises.

First Muscle Up
25+ pull-ups
Sub 30 min. Filthy Fifty
Heavy deadlifts and squats with no back pain!

Muscle Ups for reps
Sub 5 min. Fran
2xBW Deadlift
Solid on POSE running technique
Solid on Overhead Squats
Learn the O-lifts

Thanks to everyone for all their help and motivation so far. Happy New Year, and Happy Training!

The Thunder Progeny said...

When/Where do you all go for your WOD. Mem Gym? Rocky Top?

I was doing occasional scaled crossfit last year, but would like to work out with people to keep me motivated and accountable. Would love to get in on the action!

Dave Lewis said...

Sub'd 40 lb. DB thruster for wall ball, did the rest as rx'd

We usually meet at Rocky Top Rec, occasionally at a UVA gym, and various outdoor locations such as the UVA track depending on weather. Group workouts last semester were on Sunday afternoons, with informal meet-ups during the week. Things might get shaken up a bit this semester with the departure of Bin, our fearless leader.

Keep checking back on the blog for more info, and leave your preferred email address if you'd like to be added to the email list.

Bin said...

Tuesday WOD - rx'd, somewhere between 20 and 25 minutes

Dave Lewis said...

Murph, as rx'd no vest