Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Ring Around the Bacon?


Welcome back from Spring Break. From the looks of the previous comments section, folks have been continuing to train hard. It's great to see everyone posting tough workouts with solid numbers and new PR's.

Our very own Chadron Edwards recently participated in a gymnastics competition, throwing down a gnarly routine on the still rings. Check out this link for a sweet video.

Also, I was inspired by the Zone Chronicles on the CFJ to post a picture of one of my own [not so serious] nutrition-related experiences. So here's a look at a delicious snack I had tonight which I highly recommend. I call it "Bacon Wrapped in Ham." The name pretty much says it all. Zero blocks of carbs, infinite blocks of awesome!

Pigs are delicious

Keep checking the blog and email for updates on a group workout this weekend. If anyone wants to actually film and post a nutrition video that would be sweet (Forney? Zone + IF Chronicles?). Let me know...


Bin said...

Pigs are indeed, quite delicious. I have a belly curing now that's eventually going to be slowly cooked in a whole heck of a lot of lard. Delicious....

ben said...

haha I hope you're going to share that
for anyone looking for some cool nutrition reading check out robb wolf's most recent post on his blog:
read the comments where greg everett and josh welbourn talk about their experiences gaining and maintaining mass. cool stuff!

Armando said...

Back Squat 5x3 (didn't have a good idea where to start)
185 (2 RM 3 weeks ago)
195 (PR)

Armando said...

Anyone thinking about heading out to Rocky Top tomorrow for the WOD? Let me know if I can catch a ride with you...just call or message at my cell. If you don't have my cell, just shoot me an email.

Armando said...
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Armando said...

Hey, just found this comment from Robb Wolf in an old comment section from a past workout on the CFHQ site. This might be of particular interest to those of you trying or training for increased body weight/muscle mass as a means to get stronger:

"Billy # 25-
Correct me if I'm wrong here but the thrust of your question was "Do I need to get bigger to get stronger" and the answer is not necessarily. If you look at some of our top performers in the 170lb range they have ~450lb DL, 350lb sqt and BW Press. Those are some solid numbers to shoot for and the achievement of those numbers while achieving the same BW means a ripping strength/BW ratio...think race cars and Jets! Big power for little chassis.

Now all that said, once folks have reached advanced/elite levels of strength at a give BW the only place to go sometimes is up to the next weight class. Leverages change for the better for many folks when they go up a class and this MAY mean one's optimized BW is the next class up. In this case folks can use the Zone as a mass building program by increasing blocks by 2 every 2-3 weeks (this is at a 5x fat level). Folks may get as high as 30 blocks before meeting their BW goal, then recalc maintenance block levels (usually significantly less than that needed for growth) and you are set. Leo from CF Evolution and many other folks have had great success with this protocol.

Another key piece to this is 1 day per week go back to base fat. This will keep your body putting cals towards growth, not heat."

Also, he has some interesting things to say about the calculation of protein blocks and the multiplier for a CFer...

ben said...

robb wolf is awesome, everyone should keep up on his blog and read archives:

Dave Lewis said...

Ended the Mountain Athlete strength cycle today with "Bad Sarah"

Warm-up: 4 rds barbell complex, 65#, 40kg, 50kg, 60kg

1. Work up to 1RM Squat Clean + Push Press (75kg PR)

2. 5 rds
2x Clean + PP @85% (65kg)
90 sec ab bridge complex

3. 5 rds
6x FS (45, 95, 115, 135, 155#F)
5x Jingle Jangles
1/2 HAM drill

4. 3 rds
10x KB floor press ea. arm
3x Windmill ea. arm
(both at 25, 35, 45#)

So overall the Mtn Athlete strength programming did it's job. I'm definitely stronger; 10-20# increases in all the core lifts (a few even bigger PR's), climbing the rope 4x with no legs, increasing loads on the barbell complex, and training with heavier KB's.

However I had a tough time consistently doing the amount of running and CFE work as I had wanted on the off days from gym sessions. Soreness/fatigue following a hard and heavy gym workout would often lead me to scale back or not even do a CFE workout, and vice versa.

I think this is due to several factors: 1) admittedly less than ideal recovery efforts on my part (more on this later), 2) lack of experience/training base with serious heavy lifting sessions using the functional strength movements, and 3) training for endurance and strength are not exactly complementary (though I do think it's possible to improve at both at the same time).

As to my recovery, I'd definitely say I fall into the trap of under-recovery, not over-training. With two months left in college, I make a conscious choice to prioritize my social life (and its detrimental effects on sleep, nutrition, and liver health) over my fitness. This is not a long-term lifestyle, simply a "soak up this once-in-a-lifetime experience" attitude that I think is actually, for me personally, a good choice in the long run. Come June, I'll be focusing far more on recovery (sleep and nutrition), and look forward to the performance gains that I expect will follow.

For now, I'll begin a power-endurance/work capacity cycle next week. I'll be trying out some serious 2-3/wk KB sessions after discussing this type of programming with Bill (who is very persuasive). I'll supplement that with an effort to focus more on my "sport specific" training; running and rucking (I consider myself a tactical or combat athlete). I'll post [hopefully more concise] updates on my progress in future comment sections.

Happy training everyone!

CPT Eddie said...

Good info Dave, and great job on increasing your numbers. Everybody needs to find a good balance, and it's good that you've pointed out the reasons for why you've done what you've done.

Armando said...

Well today I gave an honest shot at Grace, CF Games style. I was originally going to do it as rx'd, but considering I'd only ever done a 145lb C&J once, I'd stick to that number (BW) instead of the full 155.

Heavy Grace, with squat cleans:
30 C&J, 145lbs

Time - 22 min.

Still a triumph though. My last attempt at Grace was with 115lb and squat cleans and I only got to the 18th rep.

Bin said...

Thanks to everyone who came out for the workout Tuesday and big thanks to Armando for programming it all.

10-9-8-7...1 reps of:
DB renegade man-maker (2x35lb)
KB swing (1.5 pood)

16:38 (ish)

Armando said...

Karen - 9:55
14lb med ball, 13-14' target

ben said...

urgh so out of shape
Lynne yesterday with Forney, Scott, and Mostafa
Bench: 10/10/9/6/5
Chest to bar Pullups: 11/9/7/7/6
and today:
work up to 2x2 front squat @155lbs
150 wallball in ~11 min
need metcon motivation...
also, just go into google reader (RSS feeds) for tracking fitness blogs n other stuff. very useful.