Monday, March 23, 2009

And now for something completely different...

.... but still totally functional.

Hey all, sorry for the lack of timeliness with the posts. I was very busy last week/over the weekend preping for and then attending a field training exercise for ROTC (btw if you ever want to really appreciate sleep, try averaging two-three hours per night for a few days).

The most recent group workout focused on exercises and progressions for training one-leg squats (pistols). Then Forney led a Tabata workout in the bag-room in Mem. This experimental workout involved both met-con movements and static-holds...
8 intervals per exercise before moving onto the next one; 4 exercises in the following rotation:
1) rowing
2) hand-stand hold
3) dumbbell thrusters (with light weight e.g. 20#, simulating wall-ball)
4) hanging tuck-hold (hanging from I-beam)

At Bill's urging, I embarked on my Kettlebell odyssey today. I'll be ramping up the intensity with the KB's, and hitting the CFE workouts and ruck marching hard over the next ~8 weeks. I'll try to write some posts about how that all goes.

Keep training hard and posting numbers, insights, and inspiration.


Armando said...

Today I engaged a new resolution: Max effort on lifts, either before or after the online WOD. Hopefully I can keep up with it as the workload continues to increase in this latter half of the semester.

Max Effort Pull-ups:
BW x3
12.5 x3
17.5 x3
27.5 x1
32.5 x1
37.5 x1

Front Squat 5x3
185 (PR by 30, but form on the knees suffered a bit)

Bin said...

I just wanted everyone to know that I just got a part-time job as a personal trainer at some sort of pseudo-globo gym thing ( I'm honestly wondering if they'll actually let me train people, or if I'm just going to get fired soon.

Dave Lewis said...

that's cool/funny dude, good luck... did you have to present any kind of certification?

Armando said...

Well with the people that you'll likely be training, it's not like you'll need one any time soon, but I just checked out their site and I was wondering: do they have a single barbell in the gym? Haha

Congrats on the job though! Sounds like things in DC are going real well for you.

4 rounds, each for time:
800m run

(Much better than my attempt in PR with the humidity factor at 87%)

Max Effort Ring Dips:
BW x3
12.5 x3
17.5 x3
27.5 x1
37.5 x1
47.7 x1

Both the ring dips from today and the pull-ups from yesterday were strict movement efforts; no kipping.

Dave Lewis said...

I created/did a workout yesterday that I'm calling the Kettlebell Complex Metcon. I posted this on the board at Rocky Top if anyone else wants to throw it down...

3 rounds for time:
10x right arm KB complex
10x left arm KB complex

1 complex = 1 arm Russian swing+clean+thruster+snatch.
You do all 10 with one arm and then switch.
Use a KB that is challenging but allows you to complete the first 10 complexes unbroken.
I did this in about 12 min with a 20kg KB and was absolutely smoked - light headed, hands shaking, layed out on the floor.

Anyone care to try?

Bin said...

Gonna give it a shot. I would also suggest looking up gym jones' "KB complex warm-up." It's a bit like Bill's complex but more involved and longer, with some more advanced movements.

Armando said...

Max Effort Dead-stop Deadlift (1 and 1/2" elevation under the feet):

This kind of Deadlift therapy was suggested by Ben, the powerlifting guy who works out at Mem, as a way to start increasing my 1RM. It is senseless that I can't get 255 off the floor with my 3RM number where it is, so we'll see if this can fix that issue.

Then, Overhead Squat 1RM:
145 (f)
145 (failed at the Push Press)

I hadn't done these in a loooong while. The most I'd ever done in an OHS was 95lbs, so everything after that was pretty much a PR. The first 145 miss was actually a Push Press PR as well. I was trying to go for BW OHS as my 1RM and failed. I have no idea what they're feeding athletes like Nicole, Speal and OPT who can do these at BW for 15+ reps!

Bin said...

Death by pullups:

Completed the 13th round. This time the workout was done solely with kipping pull-ups, but strangely enough I ended on the same round as when I was doing only strict pull-ups. Kipping pull-ups should be easier, so this suggests that something outside of direct pulling strength limited me in the kipping version of the workout. I would assume that it was grip strength, but I can't be sure just yet...

Dave Lewis said...

Jackie as rx'd - 8:19
Went out too hard in the row (~1:45 split) and started feeling some rough lactate build-up at 500m. At that point I switched to the strategy recommended in the FGB row strategy video and that seemed to help. Still row would have been faster if I paced better.

@bin: thinking about your pull-up (strict vs. kipping) comment, do you think it could be related to the harder metabolic hit from kipping. that is, both movements accomplish the same amount of work, but the strict does so at a higher cost to local muscular endurance, but at a lower power output than the kipping. so maybe w/kipping your "cardio" (for lack of a better word) is the challenge, while with the strict the local muscular endurance makes it hard, and the two come out in a wash. i could be way off w/the science, but this seems intuitive...

Bin said...


I was thinking something like that, but moreso that kipping itself presents much more work for your grip than strict pull-ups. Whereas in a strict pull-up you would only ever support your body weight, at the bottom of a kip your hands are supporting the momentum of your body moving at speed, thus more work for them. Though I was breathing at the end, I certainly wasn't gassed; I was experiencing muscular failure rather than cardio failure. The more I think about it, the more certain I am that it was a matter of grip failure. I wonder if the fact that my grip and back strength fail doing roughly the same amount of work means that my pulling capacity is all-around equal, or if they're entirely unrelated matters...

Dave Lewis said...

Makes sense Bin. Speaking of gassed...

Today - 5 rds for time:
5x DL @250#
10x Burpees

(it's the CFG '08 DL/burpee workout scaled from 275#... I love this one)

Armando said...

Fight Gone Bad - 240
Rx'd for the first time...finally finished my 20lbs medicine ball!

PR is 249 with 14lbs ball.