Sunday, April 5, 2009

Tug and Total

Tuggernauts Pull!

Big weekend for the UVA CF community! First, the tug o' war team consisting of Forney, Kyle, Ben, Armando, Sean, Fraser, Robby, and myself (see picture above) took first place in the all-male category at Beta Theta Pi's philanthropy. Superior pulling mechanics, conditioning, and mental toughness - all heavily based in our CrossFit training - allowed us to pull out a tough win over a significantly bigger team in the final match. Thanks to Forney for putting the team together and to Chris for his decisive coaching. Also, check out this sweet fb album that Kyle put together; thanks Amy for taking the pictures!

Today we had a great turnout, including many new faces, at the group workout. We spent some very productive time going over squat technique, and then got in the power rack to work up to 1RM back squats. After that, Armando and I stuck around and finished out a complete CFT. Congrats to Armando on pulling a big deadlift PR en route to an overall CFT PR. Check out some pics from today below...

Forney showing some serious hip drive... (Right) Armando's DL PR (Notice the perfect balance of technique and intensity; he max's out right at the point of slight technical breakdown... but only slight. Lighter and he wouldn't be at a true max. Heavier and his back would round into full flexion.)


Dave Lewis said...

The CrossFit Total:
Back Squat - 265#
Press - 155#
Deadlift - 325#
Total - 745#

According to the tables on the mainsite FAQ, that number puts me right at "intermediate" for my bodyweight and gender, so I'm pleased as this was my first crack at a CFT. Def underestimated the extent to which the squats would make the DL's harder; I think my pure DL max is significantly more.

Armando said...

Back Squat - 225 (PR match)
Shoulder Press - 115 (PR match)
Deadlift - 265 (PR!)

Total - 605 (PR...finally broke 600!)

I guess I really need the motivation from others to really reach my deadlift potential. Thanks a lot to Dave for sticking around and getting me fired up for that last DL.

Dave Lewis said...

Nicole as rx'd:
AMRAP in 20 min of...
Run 400m
Max pull-ups

Completed 6 rds (22, 16, 15, 12, 13, 12 pull-ups) + ~200m run

Armando said...

21-18-15-12-9-6 of Pull-ups and Sit-ups w/ 100ft Walking Lunges every round...

Since this is my fourth day in a row, I'm holding back on the M.E. stuff for a couple more days.

Armando said...

Max Effort Power Clean:
145x3 (PR)
175x1 (PR)
185x1 (f)

SP 5x1, PP 5x3, PJ 5x5:
SP: 85-95-105-115-120(f)
PP: 115-125-135-140-145(PR)
PJ: 115-125-135-145(PR)-150(fail at 3)

Bin said...

SSST (Gentleman's rules): 176 reps

Armando said...

Hey Bin,

Would you mind explaining what that workout entails?

Bin said...

SSST - secret service snatch test - maximum reps of KB snatch in 10 minutes, with 24kg. Gentleman's rules allow the individual to set down the weight and switch hands as necessary. I'm pretty sure it's part of the RKC process as well.

JLuch said...


I just found these posts in my search for Crossfitters in the Charlottesville area. I start grad school this coming June, will be in the area for a year, and would love to join your workout group. It seems some of you will be graduating, but for those remaining, hopefully you have room for at least one more? Its a couple of months away, but it would be a relief to know I can continue my Crossfit WODs with a group, rather than solo.

Dave Lewis said...

hey man, my name is dave lewis and i'm a 4th year uva undergrad; i moderate the blog and our email list. post or email me ( your contact info and i can add you to the list - we're always looking to get more ppl involved. lookin forward to meeting you at a group workout when you get into cville...

Dave Lewis said...

Created/did the following today with Ben at Rocky Top...

"Hips Don't Lie"
30, 20, 10 rep rounds for time of:
KB swing, 1.5 pood
GHD situps
PVC overhead squats

This was a real nice workout; I put it together to really hammer hip function: powerful hip opening (swings), powerful hip closing (GHD SU's), hip mobility (PVC OHS). This stuff is fundamental to fitness - everything starts with the hips.

In retrospect I felt like the volume wasn't quite what I wanted, so I'll probably revisit this one at some point but either load it heavier or increase it to 40,30,20,10 rep rounds for an even 100 reps of each movement.

Anyone care to try?

Bin said...

Nice workout; you might also think about looking at adding Glute-Ham Raises (Rob Shaul talks about in the 3/16 or 3/18 hybrid workout, I think). to work on hip function from the other end.

Armando said...

Just thought I'd share this with you:

Gymnastics is so easy, isn't it?

Dave Lewis said...

4 rounds each for time:
Run 800 meters, rest as needed between

Rd 1 - 2:54
Rd 2 - 3:05
Rd 3 - 3:04
Rd 4 - 2:55

Tight/sore hamstrings from the hip workout make POSE hard. Wanted all the splits under 3 min, but I'll take the 3min average.

Armando said...

M.E. Back Squat
205x3 (PR)

Then did some gymnastics practice/corrections with Ben. Went over the hollow position and handstands.

Dave Lewis said...

"Satan's Hangover"
(named after my physical state before/during the workout - this was rough)

Greg A. "Creature of Habit" Warm-up

FS 5x5 - 115, 135, 145, 155, 155#

3 rds for time:
Row 500m
10x Push Press @50kg
1x Rope climb (no legs)
-13:41, had to use a little legs on the last climb

Armando said...

3 rounds for time
500m row
21 Burpees
400m run

Time - 24:15

I hate running. I hate running up the Mem Gym stairs to then start running.

The rowing strategy from FGB is really good for psychologically staying in the fight, even with your legs begging for mercy. I was able to keep every 500m row under 2 min for the first time in a workout with rowing intervals. Burpeeing after the rowing was horribly painful. To do this under 20min would have been awesome, but I was in too much pain to be able to push myself to that pace.

Armando said...

Oh, and that was followed by...

Max Effort Pull-ups (strict)

Armando said...

30 Muscle-ups for time - 28:30

Slower than last time, but I've been sleep deprived and I was making conversation in between efforts.

5 rounds for time
12 Deadlifts
9 Hang Power Cleans
6 Push Jerks
@ 155lbs...sub: 135lbs

Time - 25:00 (Those push jerks are heavy!)

ben said...

nice job on workouts dudes
@dave, the hips don't lie was fun, I agree with your thoughts on volume
@bin, have you ever tried workout with glute-ham raises? if so how did it go? to me they seem like they would cycle kinda weirdly
Here's what I did today instead of DT: 3 rounds of 12x135lbs DL, 15 squat jumps, and 5x35lbs TGU each arm
I think one-arm dumbell overhead squats or dumbell snatch might work better than TGUs in workouts b/c TGUs are kinda slow, has anyone had much success or have any advice for doing metcon-type stuff with TGUs?

Armando said...

Hey Ben,

I've tried several met-con workouts with TGUs, like "Eva T's Austere Heavy Workout" and some others I've made up myself. They certainly don't add much intensity to the workout, but they do present overall greater challenges in stabilization in a WOD with considerable risk of muscle fatigue (e.g. active rest during the 1-minute rest period between stations in a Tabata workout). What I've ended up doing is adding them to my M.E. arsenal, and I practice it with different objects every once in a while, strictly as a strength and flexibility/joint mobility tool. I go for max efforts on both sides maybe once a month to see what limiting factors come into play at the heavier loads (strength on my right side, flexibility on my left).

Mighty Quinn said...


I've been Crossfitting at the NGIC for a couple years have a pretty good group of guys who would like to have our own mini-CF Games sometime in May.

If any of you are interested please contact me.
