Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Presenting... CrossFit Charlottesville!!

It's official - the CrossFit Cville affiliate application has been approved. Big shout out to Kyle Redinger for working to get this off the ground and bring a true CF box to Central VA. Reply to Kyle's email if you're interested in getting involved with getting the gym up and running.

Sunday's workout consisted of a deadlift workshop with an emphasis on efficient, safe mechanics (with technique tailored to fit each individual's anthropometry - there's some great pics/explanations of this topic in Starting Strength). Thanks to Forney and Chadron for the instruction!

I really like Cory's proposition for a local CF competition; everyone post thoughts on this to comments. Might be hard to find time with finals and graduation coming up, but for those staying in Cville perhaps we could do it in the latter half of May? I'll send out an email about a group workout for this Sunday soon... keep training hard everyone.


Dave Lewis said...

Had planned on resting Monday, in prep for an APFT (Army Physical Fitness Test) on Tuesday morning. Found out late Monday that the APFT was cancelled, and decided to head to the gym for a 10pm workout on a full stomach...

Did Angie as rx'd in 21:36. Pretty weaksauce time. But I wasn't expecting the workout to go well. I think it's important to vary not just training stimuli, but also training conditions. Try training tired, early in the morning, late at night, hungry, full, sleepy, hungover, whatever. If it doesn't make you physically stronger, it will make you mentally tougher, a key element to any successful CrossFit workout effort.

I then grabbed ~5 hrs of sleep, then hit another workout at 6 am Tuesday morning...
"DT" @135#

Dave Lewis said...

2x O-Hill run (from the stop sign near Slaughter, up the short side, to the yellow intersection sign near the Alden House).
1st - 4:34
2nd - 4:39

About 20-25 sec faster than my last time doing this workout. I think the strength gains from the Mtn Athlete cycle really paid off with this. The metcon on these things is crazy, but stronger legs will really cut your times, maybe moreso than better conditioning.

Armando said...

M.E. Front Squats
195x1 (PR)
205x1 (F)
...Tried doing these in similar weight increments as the o-lifters in the vids from Performance Menu, and I guess the jumps were not the smartest move for me. I definitely think I have 205 in me, since 195 was not that burdensome, and 185 is my current 3RM.

Followed by...

"Helen" - 13:07 (PR by 1:30)
All sets unbroken.

I think that if I could do this one somewhere like the UVa Track, I'd be somewhere in the sub-10 min range. Those Mem Gym stairs are a pain.

Armando said...

Oh, and I'd be in for the CVille CF Games. I'll be in town until the 18th.

Armando said...

For the M.E. Deadlifts today, I decided to work on some elevated dead-stop deadlifts. Used 25-lbs plates as the largest plates on the bar (per Ben's suggestion) and raised my feet on a plate. The bar was approx 1 1/2 inch below my feet.

This was a painful M.E., especially for my lower back. Certainly didn't help much for the WOD...

AMRAP in 20 min of:
30 Box Jumps, 24"
20 Push Press, 115# (Sub: 95#)
30 Pull-ups

Total - 3 rounds, 10 box jumps

Dave Lewis said...

Murph, as rx'd, no vest
My legs hurt. Happy birthday Forney!

Armando said...

M.E. Pistols...did them for distance, not for weight. Started with 3x5 then moved to 3x3. Went from 9 aerobic steps blocks down to 6.

100 Inverted Burpees for time - 17:24

Pistols was a bad idea prior to this one. My hamstrings and ass were on fire.

Armando said...

Angie, rx'd - 25:43 (PR by 5:26)

ben said...

hooooraayy cert!
hoooraaayy beer!

workouts we did:
tabata squats
10 min of 7 med ball clean, 7 pushup

Armando said...

Haha congrats on the Cert, Ben! I definitely wanna hear all about it. Sorry to hear you had Fran after all haha, but I see you made the Main Site for the second time in one month!

WOD: Back Squat 5x3
My legs, and back, and core are spent!

By the way, it's gotten pretty disappointing to see how this blog's comment section has had fewer and fewer participants. I know there are still plenty of our people hitting the wods daily. Our mailing list has like 50 members. Why doesn't anyone post? The blog is not meant for competition among us. This blog was meant to bring our small community of athletes together, even at times when we can't physically coincide for group/partner workouts. So everyone ought to feel free and welcome to POST and COMMENT.

Unknown said...

I'm curious about Crossfit and how you'll start an affiliate. Who do I talk to about getting involved?

BTW, if anyone wants to stop by and chat I'm an AF Major at UVA's AFROTC Detachment. I know alot of you guys are Army so feel free to visit.

If you've seen me you know I'm not even close to being a PT hound so I'll need to scale the workouts.

Dave Lewis said...

Sir - glad to have you drop by the blog. I'm Dave Lewis, the blog moderator and the AROTC CSM (for another week at least). Branching Infantry, and CrossFitting my ass off to get ready for BOLC and Ranger School next year. I'll stop by your office the next time I'm at the Cadet Center to introduce myself. Hopefully Sir we'll have more updates on the blog soon regarding the affiliate process.

Today - Army Physical Fitness Test
2min pushups- 78
2min situps- 78
2mi. run- 12:58
Total: 307 (on the extended scale; the test is out of 300)

Unknown said...

Sorry, I suppose I should introduce myself. I'm Major James Fulks and I'm the admissions officer for AFROTC at UVA. I look forward to meeting you guys soon.

ben said...

@dave, got an idea for the lack of posts
I think we should look around online and try to find some kind of "whiteboard" application to embed in the front page of the site. That way if people want to post or check workout times they can see it immediately, and then use comments for more discussion type stuff.

CPT Eddie said...

Guys, I wouldn't be too down about not having a lot of posts here. We're a small community of dedicated people and we're open and welcoming to all wishing to join. I'd much rather have what we have than a bunch of people who merely breeze in and out and never form the type of motivated (and motivating) core group that we have formed here.

Eric Walden said...

Hey guys, saw the last post down there about the Whiteboard. This is the one we use:

I am from Charlottesville, and a Wahoo from '97, living outside Boulder now, but coming back East today for the Mid-Atlantic Qualifiers in Va Beach this weekend. Why there and not out here? I am a pilot for NetJets, and the Mountain Regionals are being held on my week away at work.

I'll be around for two weeks after the Quals, so I'd love to get together and knock out some WODs.


ben said...

DL up to 285 today for the first time in a while, sweeeetttt

Armando said...

@ Ben
Congrats on the DLs today! The punishment at the cert must have done you well hehe.

Deadlifts 7x1

My DLs today were nothing short of disappointing for me. I have been pulling some pretty shitty sleeping hours, and I've been dealing with some sort of stomach virus I seem to have caught after eating some bad almond butter. Still, I was at least expecting to match my PR @ 265. Pretty bummed about my DL progress.

Armando said...

Filthy 50, as rx'd - 39:27 (pr)

ROM on the KTEs were all 100%, I think. This felt miserable. I wanted to quit after the wall balls (especially with the knowledge that the burpees were next up on the list). It's incredible that some people can get this one done in less than 25min.

Armando said...

**were NOT all 100%

Bin said...

DL singles - up to 325

Filthy Fifty - 26:42, rx'd (20kg on KB swings)

Armando said...

Snacth (sub: below)
CTB Pull-ups

In light of my rancid technique and hatred in/for snatches, Ben suggested joining him in doing DB snatches @ 35lbs. It went something like 7 DB snatches Left Hand/7 DB snatches Right Hand x 3...then a set divided by 3 for the 15 rep round, and ditto for the 9 rep round.

Pull-ups were rx'd. Surprised myself there.

Time - 22:20

I'm pretty happy that I've been consistently getting all the HQ wods in under 30 minutes. Some wods like Filthy 50 and Linda are still not there for me, but I'll get there eventually. My metcon has still improved a lot from where it was a couple of months ago.

Eric Walden said...

With the exception of the snatches being 95# bars, that was the final workout at the Mid-Atlantic Quals today!

It was an awesome weekend, and if anyone wants to get together for a session this week, let me know:

flywaldo at


Dave Lewis said...

30 MU's for time... 18:58

This was mostly an exercise in local muscular endurance; the metabolic effect was minimal. Tore up my wrists too; still don't have false grip calluses. This was my first crack at this workout, and I have new-found respect for Sherwood's sub 5min video on the mainsite.

Unknown said...

Hey guys, I just found this blog, so I apologize if you see it anywhere else. I'm planning on moving up there in about a year and am looking to get involved with the box. I'm active Navy EOD now and have a Level 1 and Endurance Cert. Hope to hear from you guys.

Armando said...

Shoulder Press 7x1

5 rounds for time:
21 SDHP, 95lbs
21 Ring Dips

Time - 30:39 as rx'd

Nathan said...

Hey guys,
Just saw that a true box is coming to C'ville. I'm definitely interested in hearing more about it.

I too should probably introduce myself. I'm 2nd Lt Nate Houle , USMC and I'm here getting my Masters in Mech Engineering. Dave, we met in the AFC a few weeks back. Sorry I never got back to you, crazy times around here.

I'm pretty new to CF (going on 3 months) but I love it. I enjoy following Main Site but as I'm sure we all know the AFC really isn't made for CrossFit. Excited to hear about the new box.

Feel free to hit me up if anyone ever wants to do a WOD, I'm always down.

Armando said...

Seeing as how I did the WOD with the ring dips yesterday, I was not feeling "Elizabeth" today. Since I was skipping on the sub, I decided to punish myself and see if I could make it through "Diane". To my surprise, I was able to finish as RX'd. The deadlifts were the easy part...

Deadlift, 225lbs

Time - 37:55 RX'd

Drove through the DLs with relative ease, and invested most of my time in the damn HSPU.

@ Nathan:
I believe most, if not all, of us share the same disdain for the AFC. A good bunch of us find it pretty comfortable to do most HQ wods in Mem Gym (myself included). You should try it out (if you haven't already) until our box is up and running.

Armando said...

Tabata Something Else - 362 (pr by 27)