Friday, November 20, 2009


Gambetta compares to strength development to that of a path worn in grass - as you work it more and more, you'll gradually wear down the earth and the path you tread on. If you step away the grass will grow back, but when revisiting the path will clear quickly because the precedent has been laid down. I'm beginning to believe him - maxing out today yielded these results:

Snatch - 185lb
C&J - 215lb

A 20lb jump in the snatch is quite large; enough in fact that it raises some issues. This puts my strength split at 85% - Everett estimates that in elite lifters snatches are usually at about 80% of their clean and jerks.

First off, these numbers mean that my previous hypertrophy cycle can be considered successful. My snatches have felt much crisper and faster - I'm comfortable now saying that my snatch form is solid as a result of getting high volume, quality reps in the hypertrophy cycle. A strength cycle, in which I might get 5 reps a day of each lift, would not have provided enough reps for me to properly analyze and remedy lift faults. The fact that my snatch is now ahead of my previous 1RM (175) begs the question of whether I've gotten stronger, technically better, or both. I can say with conviction that my technique has improved dramatically - my form now is quite different from before and the feel has changed likewise. However, I know that hitting 175 in the past felt like a strength limit, and pulling 185 was not something I was ready to do.

But then my clean and jerk is still below my previous 1RM. I'm willing to concede that my core strength has likely dropped; I can feel sudden, increased kyphosis in my upper back during the heavier lifts. I believe that it's possible that my snatch emphasis in my hypertrophy cycle resulted in letting my cleans fall by the wayside.

My next cycle will be strength focused with a slight mix: I will continue heavy, low-rep (5 max a day) snatches with heavy back squats and front squats, plus lighter, higher rep (70%/10-15 reps) cleans to diagnose and remedy form, and max once a week.

Bodyweight has fallen back down to 170lb. I'm having a difficult time eating enough to get to 175 and to maintain it. I'm starting to wonder if perhaps building a slight insulin insensitivity might lead to weight gain and a better maintained anabolic state - what impact does overall insulin health have on anabolic/catabolic states? Not necessarily sugar binging, but simply an increased presence of starch in the diet. Potatoes and rice seem like a good way to go.

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