Monday, December 14, 2009

Final stretch

About to start the final week of the Bulgarian cycle; last three workouts were:

Snatch Balance - Worked up to 165, drop sets at 155, 145
Power Clean and Jerk - 165 - 1x10, 1 min rest
Front Squat - 185 x 1

Metcon (4 rounds)
200m row
15 hanging leg raises

Snatch - Worked up to 175, 145 - 1x3
Clean and Jerk - Worked up to 215, 175 - 1x3
3 sec Pause Back Squat Triple- Worked up to 235

Power Snatch - 135 - 1x10, 1 min rest
Power Clean and Jerk - 165 - 1x10, 1 min rest
Front Squat - 185 x 1

Metcon (3 rounds)
250m row
5 KB swing, 2 pood
10 Pull-ups

Comfort with the heavy weight is developing - 165lb is a confident weight for me and one that I'll likely use as an opener. I feel that I'm stronger, and this next week should allow me to find out - I've decided to go off of PMenu programming for the final week. As far as my schedule goes, I'm only really able to lift 5 days a week, where PMenu is usually needs 6 (to include their rest day). This means that I've been missing one of their lifting days every week, and I think this is limiting my growth. Muscle development requires a stimulus sufficient enough to promote adaptation in the body - by skipping the 6th day, a saturday, I'm skipping out on one of the three heavy lifting days. This means that lifters following the full programming are getting an extra opportunity to go heavy, and an extra bit of stimulus for adaptation. For this last week of the three week cycle I'm going to try and gain that extra day and go heavy three days, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I'll have to see how I feel for Tuesday and Thursday.

I've gone back to near-strict Paleo, and the weight is coming off. From last week, down from 185 to 177 so far.

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