Entering the second week of the strength cycle, and still injury/wear free. Workouts:
Snatch Balance: worked up to 165lb, drop reps at 135, 145, 150
Power Clean and Jerk: 135lb, 1x10, 1 min rest
Front Squat: 185lb x 1
Snatch: worked up to 165, drop reps at 125, 1x5, 1 min rest
Clean and Jerk: worked up to 215, drop reps at 155, 1x5, 1 min rest
3-sec pause back squat: worked up to triple at 225
Snatch: worked up to 175, drop reps at 140, 1x3, 1 min rest
Clean: worked up to 215, drop reps at 175, 1x3, 1 min rest
Back squat: worked up to 315, drop reps at 255, 2x2
The Bulgarian cycle seems to be a good proposition so far; I'm enjoying the loads (essentially maxing out 3 times a week) and feeling more and more comfortable with the heavy weights. Judging from how the rep/set schemes are moving, I'm assuming that by next week I'll be doing 3 reps at 90-95% of 1RM across the board. It seems to be a too quick way to get to progressive overload, but I'll wait and see what progress is made. The back squat single at 315 is promising, as this is as heavy as I've squatted in a while (I believe my last 1RM was 295) in addition to being placed at the end of a fairly intensive workout. Going to BJJ doesn't seem to be causing me too much trouble either, so I'm willing to say that I'm humming along.
Diet is back to near-strict Paleo, though bodyweight is holding somewhat. In another week or two I should start to see weight loss, but hopefully the strength will stick around. Currently supplementing with Vit D and approx 1 T of fish oil per day.
Two O-lifting meets are coming in January (16th), Copa Nova and Mid-atlantic open (both BJJ) in January as well, CF sectionals at the end of February (possibly the same weekend as the Starrett seminar), and Pan-Ams are in March. 2010 will be busy.

but is it worth it?
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