Friday, February 12, 2010

Playing around

The recent snow has thrown definite problems into workout programming - I missed the last two days of OPT and as a result did an amalgam today of three different workouts:

A1 Power snatch 2.2.2 x 3 (Started at 135, dropped 10lb per drop set)
A2 Close grip bench 30x0 4.4 x 3 (Started at 145, dropped 10lb per drop set)
B1 Jump squat 10x3 (195 - 225)
B2 CTB Pull-up 20x3
C Airdyne (18 sec all out, easy spin recover for 1:42)x5, 5 min rest, repeat

The original workout was the airdyne portion only, 5 sets with a rest, repeated 3 times - I originally wanted to supplement this by doing the first portion of the workout from the day before (the power snatch and bench couplet), but realized quickly that the structure and loading of both workouts were recovery workouts. Since I essentially had the last three days off, starting off with a recovery workout would do me no good at all, hence the insertion of a couplet from yet another workout.
This highlights one of the problems I have been having with following the programming - OPT eschews a weekly schedule. While most of his followers are able to keep up with a "workout anywhere, anytime" format, I'm having difficulty keeping up any type of regular schedule - I can make them up eventually, but I'm still missing out of any sort of overtraining/supercompensation effect that his workouts might have. I'm going to have to be smarter about missing and making up workouts - adding and editing as I can in order to keep a good fatigue/recovery cycle. I believe I will continue to do his metcons, as I'm enjoying his formats and regulations for some of his workouts, but I will probably supplement the strength portion with strength and strength-endurance work. I'm less than two months away, and need to get to work.

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