Monday, January 25, 2010

Starting off 2010

The end of another week, and finishing out a "cycle" of OPT, culminating in the Big Dawg challenge, which I was a partial participant in. The scheduling difficulties are making it hard for me to keep up with all the workouts - I'm missing a good part of his conditioning workouts. First off, the last four workouts:

A. Back Squat 30X0, 1x4 (255, 265)
B. Tabata push-up - (4 rounds - 20, 15, 8, 8)
C. Amrap DU 2min - 77
D. GHD sit up 2 x 20

A. Split Jerk 1x3 (185, 195, 205)
B. Hang Power Clean 1x3 (135, 155, 165)
C. CTB Pull-up, 3x10, 60 sec rest
D. Airdyne 30/30, 70%, 80%, 90%

A. DL 3x6 (195lb), 30 sec rest
B. 20" Box Jump, 20 reps unbroken x 3, 30 sec rest
C. HSPU, 5 perfect reps x 3, 30 sec rest
D. Muscle-ups 3x5, 30 sec rest, in doubles and singles

A. OHS 15x3 - unbroken set of 15, 3 attempts for max weight (Failed 155 in 3rd set at rep 10, scored at 135)
B. 2k row then AMRAP DU in 10 min (8:06, 34)

The Big Dawg Challenge was on Saturday; the unfinished third workout (5 hours to do all 3 workouts) was 50 CTB pull-ups then 50 burpees. I would have liked to attempt the last part, but ran out of time. OPT's programming is interesting as it develops certain CF-specific skills and tendencies that are not necessarily part of other S&C strategies - frequently enough he asks that certain exercises be performed without breaks or that form be perfect at the expense of time (you're expected to rest longer if you know you'll need it). These conditions are useful in that they push people to do certain tasks they may not normally attempt by setting clear limits and penalties while at the same time helping prep for CF-style competitions (frequently specifying different forms of pull-ups, for instance). I'm debating whether or not to stick with this programming, find something else, or set out on my own to bring me into the tournament in April. Still debating on that.

Nutrition is good - I'm right at 170, while the weight class I compete in goes from 165-182. This is weight with the gi, however, which means that I'll need to add 5 pounds to whatever weight I'm at. Energy and diet are appropriate for where I want to be. Carrying on for now.

1 comment:

Armando said...

Any progress? Ben and I just started Starting Strength. Took your advice on just going with a pure strength program for a while and milking it, so we'll see how far I can go with it.