Friday, December 7, 2007

Exam time #2

Didn't feel like scrolling anymore. Continue!


Bin said...

Last three posts from last thread:

Bin said...

"Bin is done with finals; crossfit celebration ensues"

*note: I'm not going to be done until wednesday, but when that happens I want to do this neat workout I just came up with.*

For time, 3 rounds:

50 Wallball shots

Until wallballs finish:
ring pushups/regular pushups
ring pullups
-Add exercises as necessary-

This is a group workout. One person will do the thrusters, while the others do as many of the other exercises until the thrusters are done. Then everyone rotates, until each person has done each station 3 times. The total number of exercises should equal the number of people participating, so that everyone is working continuously.


CPT Eddie said...

Bin, I think we can safely go ahead and name this one "Compared to This, Finals Ain't That Bad #2."

Count me in. I think the heaviest ball they have there is like 14lbs... You want to just raise the target to ~14 feet?

From the sounds of it, this is definitely a "the more the merrier" type of WO... plus it won't take 2+ hours to finish.

I know that Rob, Laura, and I were going to go at 7:00 MEMGYM TONIGHT (12/7). If not in the lobby we'll be in the back room in the basement.


PT Eddie said...

obvi I can't speak for Rob and Laura... I know Rob was considering doing 071206 for 400 runs/SDHP/Thrusters, but we'll see.

December 7, 2007 2:14 PM

Bin said...

I vote we buy t-shirts en masse

ben said...

sheeeit those shirts are sweet

Bin said...

So I've found a tractor tire, about 5 feet high, that a guy is willing to sell. I was thinking we could leave it in the field beside mem gym and use it for workouts. Thoughts?

CPT Eddie said...

wow, count me in on that one! how much does he want?

Unknown said...

mmm...tractor tire.

ben said...

Could you really just leave a giant tractor tire in the field without people flippin out tho?

Bin said...

Tire: The guy will give it to us free! He says it'll fit in a pickup; does anyone have access to one? If we can't get a pickup, he says it'll be a while before he can bring it to us. I figure if we just push it to one corner somewhere it won't bother people, and if they do flip out, we'll just flip it somewhere else.

Good video/post about olympic form. Practice the lifts with an empty bar if you don't know them well!


"Bin is done with finals; crossfit celebration ensues"

For time, 3 rounds:

50 Wallball shots

Until wallballs finish:
ring pushups/regular pushups
ring pullups
-Add exercises as necessary-

This is a group workout. One person will do the wallball shots, while the others do as many of the other exercises until the wallball shots are done. Then everyone rotates, until each person has done each station 3 times. The total number of exercises should equal the number of people participating, so that everyone is working continuously.

Please show up a little early and start warming up, since everyone always shows up late anyway. Also, bring as many people as you can, remind them that the whole workout won't take longer than 30 minutes!

CPT Eddie said...

CTTFATB #2 - Yes!

I guess this means push-jerks are gonna have to be the morning study break.

Memgym, right?

Bin said...

shoot - mem gym, 8pm, room with the punching bags

push jerks could follow?

ben said...

Can't do push jerks so I'll be there a little before 8 for this madness

Unknown said...

First final today-- I'll be ready for a study break tonight. See you at memgym at 8 :-)