Monday, February 11, 2008


For anyone who was curious, the workout from the previous post took place Sunday, between 5am and 6am. It consisted of a team carry of a 100lb sack across approximately 100 meters, burpees, and then a final carry up a nearby hill.







CPT Eddie said...

Hey all, going to do a quick WO this evening around 7:45 at AFC:
150 squats
Run 800 meters
150 squats.

If anyone wants to join, I'll probably be stretching out on the main level by the windowns overlooking the pool till 8:00.

Bin said...

Fran today:

6:31 as rx'd

Dan said...

The sack relay was sweet.

Made up the 7x1 DL workout today: 255, 265, 275, 280, 265, 265, 265

(getting closer to 2xBW)

Bin said...

The New Heroes:

Nate - 9 rounds + 2MU & 4HSPU
Randy - 12:34

Dan said...

Yesterday: Grace (65 lbs), 10:05. My back is so pissed off. I'm not sure what I was doing wrong.