Row (calories)
Wallball - 30 shots
2 x 50lb DB, held in front rack
80lb weight drag across floor - 15 trips
2 rounds for time
Rotation is made when wallball and weight drags are finished; during this time, rowing is done for max calories, while the DB rack is held for minimum drops. Score is tallied by taking the total time, subtracting the total calories rowed, then adding quadruple the number of times the DBs are dropped.
"Winner's Pride"
Row 250m
Rope whips
One partner completes the row while the other continuously whips. Players alternate until they reach 1000m. This workout was done in pairs to decide the top two of the winning team.
"Loser's Redemption"
Wallball (14lb) - 75 reps
Manmakers (2x20lb DBs) - 35 reps
Thrusters (2x25lb DBs) - 50 reps
SDHP (45lb) - 75 reps
Each individual picked an exercise without knowing the reps or duration.
Congrats to Jon F, Ben, Zac, and John G for winning the first workout, and Ben and John G for winning again.
Rough start