Sunday, March 30, 2008

"Grinder" and others

Team workout - "Grinder"

Row (calories)
Wallball - 30 shots
2 x 50lb DB, held in front rack
80lb weight drag across floor - 15 trips

2 rounds for time

Rotation is made when wallball and weight drags are finished; during this time, rowing is done for max calories, while the DB rack is held for minimum drops. Score is tallied by taking the total time, subtracting the total calories rowed, then adding quadruple the number of times the DBs are dropped.


"Winner's Pride"
Row 250m
Rope whips

One partner completes the row while the other continuously whips. Players alternate until they reach 1000m. This workout was done in pairs to decide the top two of the winning team.


"Loser's Redemption"
Wallball (14lb) - 75 reps
Manmakers (2x20lb DBs) - 35 reps
Thrusters (2x25lb DBs) - 50 reps
SDHP (45lb) - 75 reps

Each individual picked an exercise without knowing the reps or duration.

Congrats to Jon F, Ben, Zac, and John G for winning the first workout, and Ben and John G for winning again.

Rough start

Digging himself into a hole

And pulling himself out

You throw yourself into the grind

But everyone has to redeem himself


Bin said...

Fran - 6:01 as rx'd

Armando said...

hehe...this is by far gonna be my most embarassing post. today was the first time i tried fran as rx'd...last time i tried her was with 75lbs. anyways:


Fran - 25:05

Fight Gone Bad last night: 209 (PR by 8)

split jerks - 145lbs max load

CPT Eddie said...

Fran in 7:40. I'm getting held back by not doing all 21 and 15 thrusters without putting the weights down.

Bin said...

800m runs - 3:10 to 3:25 per run, 4 to 5 minutes rest between rounds.

Armando said...

800m runs:
3:16 (hmm...this isn't so bad)
3:34 (fuck...this shit hurts!)
3:35 (oh shit! stomach cramping up)
3:31 (collapsed)

13:56 total...this is actually how long it took me to run a mile before i started crossfit...scary.

CPT Eddie said...

Five rounds for time of:
30 Glute-ham sit-ups
25 Back extensions


ben said...

so I did those glute-ham situps and back extensions the other day
had to take it kinda easy cuz I still felt sick and those things make me nauseous anyways
I'm amazed at how they aren't hard during a workout, but the day after I am always crazy sore

Armando said...

this was my first time doing those ghd sit-ups in a wod...gave me a crazy headache and serious nausea during the last round and a half.

i did somewhere between 13:18 and watch stopped on its own in the early rounds.

CPT Eddie said...

Saturday, noon, steps outside memgym. Group WO. Email me to confirm you're coming or comment here.

"The OC"

Bin said...

"Gwen" - failed at rep 9 of the first set at 135lb.

ben said...

i'm comin to group workout

Armando said...

Gwen - 95lbs, no fouls, as rx'd

the posts on the site intimidated me...i can definitely do more...grip wasn't even an issue at 95#...i'm going for 105-110 next time, and doing squat cleans instead of power cleans.

i'm tempted to try out the group thing with u guys...not sure if i can wake up for it though...we'll see tomorrow.