PS Sweet workout done by UCR's women's volleyball team: here
Also, quick video of a few oly lift complexes for anyone who's been practicing those lifts.
Through all the sets, the basic variation is to do a Power (lift), Squat from the rack position (front or overhead), Hang (lift), then drop down for a full (lift). You can use this format for both snatch and clean, and it's a good way to get solid practice at everything when using light weight. Here
Tommy V, modified:
21 thrusters @ 115
50 rope pull-ups
15 thrusters @ 115
40 rope pull-ups
9 thrusters @ 115
30 rope pull-ups
Last night:
30 muscle-ups for time.
Done at the gymnastics gym.
First set was of 8, then a few sets of 2-3, then doubles and some singles after that.
False-grip hang to full lock out, drop down back to starting position before release.
15:40 (PR by 2+ mins).
Anyone going tonight?
3 rounds for time:
800m run
50 back extensions
50 sit-ups
Chadron - 22:00
Bin - 25:07
"Michael" as rx'd
225 deadlift
Handstand Pushup
still can't do hspu...just finished getting the handstand part down..
previous PR - 10 rounds in 19 min.
today - 12 rounds + 5 pullups + 1 push-up
Nice going Armando! I have things going on all afternoon and night tomorrow, but if we can get 3+ (2 works but not as well) tomorrow morning at AFC at 9:30, I have an intense small group WOD that I picked up from an affiliate I visited this winter. Anyone who can make it, see you in the AM for some high intensity randomized (yes, randomized) fun. Meet by the mats overlooking the pool on the main level.
Can't snatch yet, so yesterday:
"The Bear Complex"
5 rounds (not timed):
*bar can't rest on floor or rack during each round.
score is max weight on bar last round: did 80 lbs throughout the 5 rounds.
Max rounds in 20 min of:
400m run
max rep pull-ups
6 rounds, 75 pull-ups (15,15,11,12,11,11)
did slosh pipe happen?
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