Monday, April 14, 2008

Bin's Choice

I won't be able to do the group workout this coming Sunday either, so I just thought I'd post something different so that I can still do stuff with everyone. Below are three separate workouts that I'm going to do and report on at some point in the week. Nothing too crazy, so I'd encourage anyone interested to try them out as well.

"2nd effort"

Max pull-ups
Tabata Rows
Max pull-ups

- For the pull-ups, bring the bar to your adam's apple (no chicken-necking), and you can hang and rest if you like and keep counting pull-ups, so long as nothing touches the ground.
- Rows are done for a full eight rounds (20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest, total of 4 minutes) at level 4 on the wheel. The computers stop counting if the wheel isn't moving, so you'll have to track time yourself. This is scored for total calories at the end.
- My previous: 25 PU, 73 Calories, 13 PU


3 rounds for time:

Stair jumps
400m run
1.5 Bodyweight Deadlift x 3

- This assumes you're in Mem Gym. Going from the weight room to the track, jump the stairs in sets of three, both feet jumping and landing at the same time. Feel free to descend the stairs however you want.
- Dead stop on the Deadlifts; no bouncing weights

"Half-Dagwood" (taken from Mountain Athlete)

3 rounds for time

10 x Sandbag Clean & Squat
10 x HSPU
10 x Ab-chair sit-ups
10 x Pull-ups
10 x Jingle Jangle
1 min rest

- Requires Mem Gym again. The smallest punching bag in Mem Gym is fairly easy to take down. Bring it from the ground to your shoulder, stand up, then do a full squat.
- Hand Stand Push Ups are done from full extension until your head touches the ground, hands at shoulder width. Anything else is considered scaling
- Ab-chair refers to the contraption in the bag room for doing sit-ups. Tilt it all the way back and touch your feet for a full rep.
- Pull-ups are strict. No kipping. Adam's apple to the bar.
- Jingle Jangle is a shuttle run between two cones set 5 yards apart. Both feet must pass the cone, and once across is a rep.
- Take the full minute to rest. This work will add up quickly.

Lone effort


CPT Eddie said...

Hey Bin, how many laps is the 400m run around the upstairs track at Memgym?

Bin said...

3 laps

Bin said...

"Thigh Master" - 12:16

Definitely keeps the name.

Bin said...

"Quarter Gone Bad"

135lb Thrusters
35lb weight pull-ups (used the dip belt)

Total reps: 85

Bin said...

"Nancy" - 18:14

CPT Eddie said...

"Quarter Gone Bad"
135lb thrusters
45lb weighted dips

Total reps: 76.

CPT Eddie said...

Group workout, led by Chadron - Sunday at 4pm on the lawn, meet at the statue on the south end of the lawn, rain or shine.

Armando said...

So, today's challenge:

3 painful rounds of 5 stations...

Boa carry, round trip in a straight line across the patch of grass around the Homer statue in South Lawn
Air Squats
Ball Slams
Stair Jumps

Each round lasted as long as it took the carrier of the Boa to complete the round trip. Call "switch", no rest in between.

Afterwards! The total drops on the carry translated into the total amount of sets of these exercises combined:

Push-up Pyramids...up to 4
Sit-up Pyramids...up to 4

there were 7 drops...

Armando said...

Oh, I forgot...the seventh set was actually burpees...very fun.

Bin said...


10x Punching bag clean
10x Strict pull ups
10x Cousins
10x HSPU
10x Jingle Jangle
1 min rest

"Cousins" can be be found here:

17:04, including rest periods

ben said...

weighted pullups: 80 lbs max
squats: 5x5 at 185 lbs

CPT Eddie said...

Half Dagwood
16:24 inc'l 3 rest periods. HSPUs scaled but getting better.

ricardo said...

Hey all. I'm new to this crossfit crazyness. Armando has ushered me into the pain. For today's workout I modified slightly the half dagwood:

10x Punching bag clean
10x Strict chin ups
10x Cousins
10x inclined pushups
10x staircase jumps (3rd one at boxing room)
1 min rest

Finished in 35 mins, including rest.

CPT Eddie said...

100 pullups
100 pushups
100 situps
100 squats

Previous time (in June) was 26:57.

Last night...

Armando said...

Angie - 38:03

Previous time (5 weeks ago) - 40:08

I like the fact that I improved my time in little over a month, and I actually did the pull-ups 5 minutes faster than last time. However, it took me 1.5 times what it did last time to get through the push-ups! Maybe it was just the AFC atmosphere getting to me.

Group workout at the AFC!
This Sunday at 2pm
Meeting in front of TJ's Locker.

Armando said...

Bring swimming trunks

Bin said...

"Transformers" - modified

Most rounds in 10 minutes (time until class):
2x BW Power clean (165Lb)
3x assisted muscle-ups

5 rounds + 2 Power Cleans

ricardo said...

scaled pullups, 20 kips and 80 jumping

rest as rx'd.

55 min.

WOD xfit (today)
5 rounds
55# hang clean snatch
400m run

+ 5 sets DL x 3 pre workout

Armando said...

5 rounds for time:
15 Hang Power Snatch, 75#
400m Run
