Saturday, April 12, 2008

Chadron's Choice

Group workout on April 13, 1pm in the bag room in Mem Gym. No clue as to what it is, though...

"Intensity and results are directly proportional, but intensity and comfort are inversely proportional. Choosing for greater intensity is choosing for more fitness but also greater personal sacrifice in the form of discomfort. Expecting elite fitness from comfortable efforts is naïve, while going too fast is dooming." -Coach Glassman.


CPT Eddie said...

"No Name"

Start a 20 minute countdown:
1. Punching bag cleans to alternate shoulders x12
2. Run upstairs to track
3. Run two laps, stopping each half-lap for squats x25 (total of 100)
4. Return downstairs, and in the time remaining, complete as many rounds as possible of:
a. Man makers x10
b. sit-ups x10

Ben: 4 rounds + 2 man makers.
Chadron: 4 rounds + 10 man maners.
Both of us used 15 lbs dumbbells.

Sorry, no pics. The small punching bag in there is filled with water and is excellent for cleans or carries or things like that.

We just did a staggered start which was easy with the Gymboss timer.

ben said...

yeah this workout was sweet, everybody do it