Sunday, May 4, 2008


Team Fight Gone Bad (3 rounds)-

Stair stepper (calories)
Goblet Squat (24 kilo)
KB Swing (24 Kilo)
Rope Climb
1 minute rest

1 minute at each station then rotate; reps for each team totaled to decide winners, then:

"Loser's revenge"

2 for 1 Wallball shots - 50 reps
Barbell complex (DL, PC, HC, FS, PJ) - 95lb with Bear rules, 20 reps

Teams were reshuffled and chose each exercise at random. Reps listed was the total for the team, and the individual from the losing team of the first exercise decided when turns could be taken.





1 comment:

Armando said...

Tomorrow May 5th, 2PM(?):
"Cleaning Up House"
We'll be doing this in the combatives room at Mem Gym.
From what I've seen these days, there seems to be less vigilance and less people working out at Mem during the testing periods, so I was thinking we could do this at 2pm. Does that sound ok with you guys? Time is pretty flexible, I'm just thinking about convenience (i.e. less staff interference).