Sunday, September 21, 2008

Pull-ups and Oly-lifts

This past Saturday, we took a look at pull-ups, from the simple jump to the butterfly, and followed that up with a run at Cindy, doing as many rounds as possible of 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, and 15 squats in a 20 minute period. We had a great push from everyone that came, especially the new guys.

Sunday, Ben and I went to Richmond to attend an Olympic Weightlifting seminar, headed up by Chris Wilkes and assisted by his sons. The seminar was absolutely great; everyone got tons of reps on all the major lifts (snatch, clean, and jerk), all of them critiqued by a top coach and his three sons, all national medalists. Hopefully we'll get a chance to show you guys some of the material we learned in the coming weeks...

Taught by this man (right)

His second oldest

And his two youngest


ben said...

hurray practicing snatching!
seminar was sweet
virtual shoveling tomorrow wtf?

Bin said...

Snatch: Triplets, doubles, and singles, from 20 to 60kg

C & J: Triplets, doubles, and singles, from 40 to 95kg (new pr)

ben said...

It's hard to keep track of 12s

Armando said...

did the virtual shoveling wod today...27:18 with a 35lb plate...bitch of a workout for your lower back...i think the trick lies in knowing what to do with ur legs...ex post facto acknowledgement :(

Bin said...

Wednesday - Nicole
15/12/12/9/10/3 (I think)

Thursday - KB/core work for time:

15 body swings (20kg), both ways
25 turkish getups (16kg), both hands
25 one arm sit-ups (12kg), both hands
50 good mornings w/kb (32kg)

Cool down with kb snatch and clean practice.