Tuesday, September 15, 2009

September 15, 2009

Coming off a productive weekend attending the USAW Club Coach Cert:

Physical state: Rested, 3-day weekend spent in NC
Diet: Binge eating means that I have been able to put on some weight, but it is fast coming off


Power Snatch & Snatch - 135lb x 4
Jerk - 175lb x 3 x 5
Clean Pull - 205lb x 5 x 5
Back Squat - 225 x 3, 225 x 5 x 3

Metcon - Pull-up ladder, progress per minute


Workout overall felt good. Will likely continue to follow p-menu for a while, but having attended the cert and now working with fellow coaches in DC means that I will likely try to begin my own programming, looking towards the Baltimore Open in January 2010. Goals: 100kg snatch, 120kg clean and jerk.

1 comment:

Armando said...

Where in the P-menu programming did you take this one from? Was this from Monday?

I'm starting to do some P-menu stuff as well. But I decided to start this cycle from the beginning...went back to August 31.

I'm keeping a somewhat similar log in http://guasabarapr.blogspot.com

Wanna get some discussion on this going back home, but as I go I would also appreciate any pointers you may have for me. It's in Spanish, but you can comment in English (or Portuguese) if you want.