Saturday, September 19, 2009

Week ending September 18, 2009.

Work hours: 80
Diet: Declining somewhat - fat and protein are eaten whenever possible, but carb (including refined ones) consumption is going up as well. Weight is going up, which is a goal, but it's likely not the sort of mass I want.

Past workouts:

Power clean + clean - 175lb x 4
Snatch balance - 125 x 3 x 2. 135 x 3 x 2, 145 x 3
Push Press - 135 x 5 x 5

2-position snatch - 135lb x 2 sets, 145 x 2 sets
Snatch pull - 165 x 5 x 5
Snatch push press - 115 x 5 x 5

Receiving the snatch on Friday was very weak; missed about half of the full snatches. Consciously doing an aggressive punch during the third pull helped, but it seems to be mainly caused by being "soft" in the squat. This will be worked on at a later time.

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